Monday, December 29, 2008

Global Warming Denial--They're at it again

I often have the misfortune of listening to right wing talk radio during the day. Don't ask why. No one forces me to listen to it. But I have to know what's going on, I have to know exactly how outrageous the comments. It's like a car wreck you can 't turn away from.

Today's little tidbit was about global warming--the usual 'it's a scam, it's not really happening' stuff. They will take any little photo or information about global warming and ridicule it to high heaven to make their point, without either knowing or understanding the science behind it. But then, these are the people who ridicule science on a regular basis, because it doesn't promote their ideology. Pitiful, really. Remember the Republican candidate all holding up their hand to indicate they didn't believe in evolution?? That was their death knell, and they didn't even know it.

But these right wing propaganda-merchants were ALSO the people who brought us 'Iraq is going fine, just fine', while the bodies kept coming home (and are STILL coming home to the tune of 4012 U.S. dead to date, with more bombs going off daily in cities in Iraq). And these are the same people who swore to us that 'the fundamentals of the economy are strong,' while the underpinings of our entire economic system crumbled beneath us. So really, what credibility do these talk show spinmasters and pointmen have left??

I was sitting across from a young friend over pizza one evening and the subject of global warming came up.

"Oh, I don't believe in it," he said with confidence.
"What part don't you believe in?" I asked.
"That there's anything in it--that's it's happening."
"Well, it's a matter of science. It's not a question of your 'belief.'"
"Oh, I know. I don't believe in it anyway."

It was if he thought it was unmanly to believe in the earth's power to defy our needs. It was as it he thought that somehow NOT believing in it would make it go away--so strong was his 'faith' in his human power over nature. So strong was his 'belief' that he could wish it away.

But it's NOT going away, and meanwhile, populations of not only animals but people are losing their habitats and food sources because of it. And I would like people to turn off the American Idol and Lost and read up on it a bit.

Because this isn't a matter of 'faith' and 'belief', it's a matter of survival.

Thanks for listening.

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