Monday, December 8, 2008

Racism 2008

Somebody emailed me a racist cartoon. It was about President Elect Obama, and was sent to me by a Republican. When I called them on it, they swore up and down it wasn't racist, and even had the temerity to say that Obama & Michelle 'would have loved it.'


Now what makes them think they would have 'loved it'?? Do they know them so well they can gauge their personal tastes in humor? And what about it would they have 'loved'?? The racist insult? Or the mockery of their achievements?

Anyone who think racism is over in America (as the Republicans have heretofore ASSURED us of) is out of their minds. It's accepted in many quarters--and what passes for 'equality of humor' is really just insults in disguise. And we are often asked to 'join us in the laughter'--'be one of us' in sharing this joke.

This is where all of us should be both publicly and personal drawing the line. Racism will never end in this country if we don't call things what they are loudly and emphatically. It's never okay, and it's never 'just a joke' because we have a history that we're trying to undo. And to undo will require ALL our efforts--with no backsliding and no letting things pass unremarked.

Racism 2008 is now just 'pretending racism doesn't exist.'

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